What Are the Current Trends in Neodymium Magnets?
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What Are the Current Trends in Neodymium Magnets?

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Neodymium magnets in motors are tetragonal crystals consisting of neodymium, iron and boron (Nd2Fe14B).

  • What are the current trends in neodymium magnets?

  • How is the strength of neodymium magnets determined?

  • How to use neodymium magnets correctly?

What are the current trends in neodymium magnets?

1.Neodymium magnets are currently widely used and rapidly developing magnetic products. It has only been more than 20 years since NdFeB was invented. Due to the high magnetic properties and easy processing, the price is not very high, so the application area expands quickly.

2.At present, commercial neodymium magnets have a magnetic energy product of 50 MGOe, which corresponds to 10x of ferrite. Neodymium magnets are also powder metallurgical products and are processed similar to Samarium cobalt.

3. Currently, the maximum working temperature of neodymium magnets is about 180°Celsius. If it is an application in harsh environments, it is generally recommended not to exceed 140° Celsius. Neodymium magnets are very susceptible to corrosion. Therefore, most finished products need to be galvanized or painted.

neodymium magnets

How is the strength of neodymium magnets determined?

Neodymium magnets have the great advantage that no matter how small they are, you can be sure that they are very strong. If you compare neodymium magnets with ferrite magnets, you will find that neodymium magnets have up to 15-fold higher suction power than the strongest ferrite magnets available.

In addition, very small neodymium magnets work better than very large ferrite magnets. So you can call neodymium magnets "small but oh", and when it comes to magnets, there is a common term called "pull".

The attraction force of a magnet is the amount of weight or force that the magnet needs to hold its load. In addition, the tensile force of the magnet varies depending on the class of the magnet or the formula of the magnet.

If the tensile force of the magnet is 10 kg, this means that the magnet is likely to withstand a load of more than 12 kg. When buying a neodymium magnet, there is a good chance that the manufacturer will include the magnet's attraction in the product description.

This will help you make a better choice when choosing a magnetic magnet.

How to use neodymium magnets correctly?

1. Nickel allergy sufferers should avoid prolonged contact with magnets.

A small percentage of people are allergic to nickel, and an allergic reaction can cause redness and a rash. People with nickel allergies should avoid direct contact with nickel-plated neodymium magnets.

2. Strong magnetic fields interfere with the compass and navigation.

Magnetic fields can affect compasses or magnetometers used in aviation. They also affect the internal compass of smartphones and GPS devices.

3. Neodymium magnets corrode.

Neodymium magnets can rust or corrode when wet. While the three-layer nickel-copper-nickel coating of most of our magnets provides sufficient protection for many applications, they are not waterproof. They corrode and lose their magnetic force when used underwater, outdoors or in humid environments.

Shine Magnetics is able to offer not only a single magnet, but also the unique combination of magnetism, experts and experience.

We are constantly trying to improve ourselves in new thoughts, new technology and new working methods.
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